Stuff to read on the plane Sunday, 23 December 2018 11:51:56 CST David-Braverman Chicago, Entertainment, General, Geography, Parker, Personal, Politics, Travel (0) Just a quick post of articles I want to load up on my Surface at O'Hare: Dana Milbank says that we've now lost the Cold War. In his preceding column, he said "Rudy Giuliani is the fool for our time." BBC Scotland reported last week that "more than a third of vintage Scotch whiskies...have been found to be fake." (Last year, Whisky Advocate had a list of ways to check the authenticity of your vintage Scotch.) Chicago Public Media explains how Chicago got some of its street names—and how to pronounce them. The Atlantic's Ashley Peters contrasts dating in 2018 with dating in...2013? Is this thing a sandwich? Use the Cube Rule of Food Identification. A woman had her house stolen, and it was recovered 160 km from St Louis. The Chicago Tribune explains how Cook County President Tori Preckwinkle, the front-runner in February's Mayoral contest, became the new boss of the city. Off to take Parker to boarding. Thence the Land of UK.