The Daily Parker

Politics, Weather, Photography, and the Dog

Photo of the Day

Cubs pitcher Carlos Zambrano warms up before yesterday's game at Wrigley Field, Chicago:

Canon 7D at ISO-400, 1/800 at f/5.6, 171mm, exactly here.

In this shot, I corrected the color to 7500K (based on a gray card reading), pushed the contrast, and desaturated. Later today I'll have another shot of Zambrano in which I did almost the opposite.

Photo of the Day

The Daily Parker may miss a couple Photos of the Day over the next week or two as I'm ramping up a new project. I've got a few photos in the queue for the feature, but it takes time to find them, edit them, and post them, time I won't have lots of until probably the end of July.

Here, however, is Four Courts, Dublin:

22 June 2008, Canon 20D at ISO-100, 1/125 at f/8, 18mm, here.