Kitten (yes, that was her name for all 16 years) relaxes in a sunbeam:
April 1985, Northbrook, Ill. Canon AE1-P with Kodachrome 64. Exposure unrecorded. Here.
Parker just after sunset:
10 July 2007, Canon 20D at ISO-1600, 1/8 at f/11 with fill flash, 18mm, near here.
Parker, New Year's Day 2008:
Canon 20D at ISO-400, 1/250 at f/8, 18mm. Edited from the first published version.
Three years ago today, I was in Atlanta:
Canon 20D at ISO-1600, 1/125 at f/5.6, 18mm, here.
This is actually a scan of a print, from July 1991:
That's available light on Kodacolor 100, in Balboa Beach, Calif., about here.
Cubs pitcher Carlos Zambrano warms up before yesterday's game at Wrigley Field, Chicago:
Canon 7D at ISO-400, 1/800 at f/5.6, 171mm, exactly here.
In this shot, I corrected the color to 7500K (based on a gray card reading), pushed the contrast, and desaturated. Later today I'll have another shot of Zambrano in which I did almost the opposite.
Six months ago, at North Avenue Beach in Chicago:
2 February 2011, Canon 20D at ISO-100, 1/250 at f/11, 27mm, near here.
I should have posted this photo a couple of days ago, when Chicago baked in near-40°C heat. Today's forecast calls for a mostly-pleasant 27°C under sunny skies.
Go back and relive those few days last February when it gets hot again.
The Khas Mahal, Delhi, India:
30 January 2011, Canon 20D at ISO-1600, 1/125 at f/5.6, 18mm, here.
The Daily Parker may miss a couple Photos of the Day over the next week or two as I'm ramping up a new project. I've got a few photos in the queue for the feature, but it takes time to find them, edit them, and post them, time I won't have lots of until probably the end of July.
Here, however, is Four Courts, Dublin:
22 June 2008, Canon 20D at ISO-100, 1/125 at f/8, 18mm, here.
Whiting, Vt.:
17 October 1992, Canon T-90, Kodachrome 64, exposure unrecorded, here.