The Daily Parker

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Election 2024 live blogging

It's early, and nothing shocking has yet occurred, I'm actually watching The Bear. But some returns have come in. The Post has called West Virginia, Indiana, and Kentucky for the XPOTUS and Vermont for Harris. Again, no surprises. Early (<25%) returns in several states have the XPOTUS ahead, but as we've seen many times, Republican precincts report early, on average.

But let's see the 8pm ET returns...and, in a shock, the Post calls Mississippi for the 1850s.

To be continued...

19:04 CST: Nothing surprising. Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, Oklahoma turn red, and Maryland and southern New England turns blue.

20:10 CST: Still no surprises. We knew we'd lose Joe Manchin's US Senate seat, and we figured we'd pick up the North Carolina governor's mansion. And, of course, everyone has called Illinois for Harris. All of the swing states are still swinging, with Harris leading Michigan and Pennsylvania, but the XPOTUS leading Georgia and N.C. The bigs have called Ohio for the XPOTUS.

In what I am sure will turn out to be a mirage, Harris leads in Kansas and Missouri, and the XPOTUS in Virginia.

And it looks like the Florida referendum legalizing abortion through the 24th week will fail.

Nothing yet in local races, except the Democratic candidate for Illinois Attorney General, Eileen O'Neill Burke, looks like she'll win.

21:09 CST: The map still looks a lot like it did at this time in 2020. By "a lot" I mean identical. We picked up Colorado and lost Utah, for example. All the swing states show the XPOTUS in the lead but, then again, so does Minnesota. So, no one knows nothing. I guess I'll post again in an hour, at which point we should have the West Coast states.

But the three that will decide the election—Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania—won't be called for days. The one thing that I have seen in the drill-down, though, is an even starker urban/rural divide, which is not good for the country in the long term.

22:02 CST: Wow, The Bear is fantastic. I see why it got all those Emmys. Oh, and we won California while they took Idaho. Still looking almost exactly like 2020.

22:07 CST: Just a reminder that four years ago, the AP didn't call Wisconsin until 3pm Central on Wednesday. And no one called Georgia, Pennsylvania, or Michigan for many hours after that. This clearly isn't 1980, 1992, or 2004. It's, well, 2020 again. So everyone just try to sleep and check back tomorrow.

23:01 CST: Welp, we lost the Senate, with Sherrod Brown losing to yet another ultra-right kook in Ohio. Whatever else happens this week, we really have to figure out why people prefer the ultra-right kooks to sensible moderates. I'm afraid I won't like the answer.

Still too close to call the big three. But I'm not going to wait up for it. I'm disappointed in my country, but not entirely surprised.

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