The Daily Parker

Politics, Weather, Photography, and the Dog

Record: set (plus coyotes)

We officially set new record high and high-minimum temperatures yesterday, getting to 28°C (82°F) around 4pm and not dipping below 20°C for 24 hours. More autumnal weather seems likely tomorrow, but today we're still having more of a June-like day—except for the 5 fewer hours of daylight.

As for the coyotes, apparently around this time of year, coyote parents kick their pups out of the nest, so we should see more juvenile canis latrans in the area until the young-uns establish their own territories or, ah, fail to do so. We have some in the park 400 meters from my house, and they regularly use the UPRR embankment as a highway, so I'm looking forward to seeing a few.

Comments (3) -

  • Yak

    10/31/2024 2:26:26 AM +00:00 |

    Only an urban dweller would actually look forward to seeing coyotes nearby. In my neighborhood, them varmints got a bad habit of fertilizing remote plots of land.

  • David Harper

    10/31/2024 7:51:16 AM +00:00 |

    Fun language fact: "latrans" is Latin for "barking", so Canis latrans is literally "barking dog".

  • The Daily Parker

    11/4/2024 4:34:09 PM +00:00 |

    @Yak: Oh, they aren't all cuddly fuzzykins in Chicago. In my neighborhood, a "missing cat" poster is a sad thing to see, because Fluffy isn't coming back.

    @Harper: Huh. I thought they mostly howled. I've never seen or heard one vocalize in the city.

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