The Daily Parker

Politics, Weather, Photography, and the Dog

Reading Excel files in code is harmful

I've finally gotten back to working on the final series of place-data imports for Weather Now. One of the data sources comes as a 20,000-line Excel spreadsheet. Both because I wanted to learn how to read Excel files, and to make updating the Gazetteer transparent, I wrote the first draft of the import module using the DocumentFormat.OpenXml package from Microsoft.

The recommended way of reading a cell using that package looks like this:

private static string? CellText(
	WorkbookPart workbook, 
	OpenXmlElement sheet, 
	string cellId)
	var cell = sheet.Descendants<Cell>()
		.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CellReference == cellId);
	if (cell is null) return null;

	if (cell.DataType is null || cell.DataType != CellValues.SharedString)
		return cell.InnerText;

	if (!int.TryParse(cell.InnerText, out var id))
		return cell.InnerText;
	var sharedString = workbook.SharedStringTablePart?
	if (sharedString?.Text is not null)
		return sharedString.Text.Text;
	return sharedString?.InnerText is null 
		? sharedString?.InnerXml : 

When I ran a dry import (meaning it only read the file and parsed it without writing the new data to Weather Now), it...dragged. A lot. It went so slowly, in fact, that I started logging the rate that it read blocks of rows:

2022-05-29 18:43:14.2294|DEBUG|Still loading at 100 (rate: 1.4/s)
2022-05-29 18:44:26.9709|DEBUG|Still loading at 200 (rate: 1.4/s)
2022-05-29 18:45:31.3087|DEBUG|Still loading at 300 (rate: 1.4/s)

2022-05-29 22:26:27.7797|DEBUG|Still loading at 8300 (rate: 0.6/s)
2022-05-29 22:31:01.5823|DEBUG|Still loading at 8400 (rate: 0.6/s)
2022-05-29 22:35:40.3196|DEBUG|Still loading at 8500 (rate: 0.6/s)

Yes. First, it looked like it would take 4 hours to read 20,000 rows of data, but as you can see, it got even slower as it went on.

I finally broke out the profiler, and ran a short test that parsed 14 lines of data. The profiler showed a few hot spots:

  • 355,000 calls to OpenXmlElement<T>.MoveNext
  • 740,000 calls to OpenXmlCompositeElement.get_FirstChild
  • 906,000 calls to OpenXmlChildElements<GetEnumerator>.MoveNext

That's for 14 lines of data.

So I gave up and decided to export the data file to a tab-delimited text file. This code block, which opens up the Excel workbook:

using var document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(fileName, false);
var workbook = document.WorkbookPart;
if (workbook is null)
	throw new InvalidOperationException($"The file \"{fileName}\" was not a valid data file");

var sheet = workbook.Workbook.Descendants<Sheet>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "Airports");
if (sheet is null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not the data sheet");

var sheetPart = (WorksheetPart)workbook.GetPartById(sheet.Id!);
var sheetData = sheetPart.Worksheet.Elements<SheetData>().First();
var rows = sheetData.Elements<Row>().Count();

Now looks like this:

var lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);

And the code to read the data from an individual cell becomes:

return columns.Count >= index ? columns[index] : null;

Boom. Done. Took 30 minutes to refactor. My profiler now says the most frequent call for the 14-row test occurs just 192 times, and teh whole thing finishes in 307 ms.

So let's run it against the full file, now converted to tab-delimited text:

2022-05-30 09:19:33.6255|DEBUG|Still loading at 100 (rate: 211.3/s)
2022-05-30 09:19:33.8813|DEBUG|Still loading at 200 (rate: 274.2/s)
2022-05-30 09:19:34.1342|DEBUG|Still loading at 300 (rate: 305.4/s)
2022-05-30 09:20:14.9819|DEBUG|Still loading at 19600 (rate: 468.6/s)
2022-05-30 09:20:15.2609|DEBUG|Still loading at 19700 (rate: 467.8/s)
2022-05-30 09:20:15.5030|DEBUG|Still loading at 19800 (rate: 467.5/s)

Well, then. The first few hundred see a 200x improvement, and it actually gets faster, so the whole import takes 45 seconds instead of 6 hours.

So much time wasted yesterday. Just not worth it.

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