Sunday night I finished moving all the Weather Now v4 data to v5. The v4 archives went back to March 2013, but the UI made that difficult to discover. I've also started moving v3 data, which would bring the archives back to September 2009. I think once I get that done then moving the v2 data (back to early 2003) will be as simple as connecting the 2009 import to the 2003 database. Then, someday, I'll import data from other sources, like NCEI (formerly NCDC) and the Met*, to really flesh out the archives.
One of the coolest parts of this is that you can get to every single archival report through a simple URL. For example, to see the weather in Chicago five years ago, simply go to From there, you can drill into each individual report (like the one from 6pm) or use the navigation buttons at the bottom to browse the data.
Meanwhile, work continues apace on importing geographic data. And I have discovered a couple of UI bugs, including a memory leak that caused the app to crash twice since launch. Oops.
* The Met has really cool archives, some of which go back to the 1850s.