I've mentioned that Inner Drive Technology will release a new version of Weather Now pretty soon. I've finished everything except the UI and migrating the data, in fact, so I may even finish in January.
I have an odd bug, though, so I'm posting here in addition to the posts I made on Stack Overflow and on the Blazorise GitHub project.
In short, Blazorise speeds up UI development by abstracting away a lot of the formatting and layout for a .NET Blazor app. Blazor, in turn, abstracts away most of the lower-level UI code that makes websites interactive and fast. It's a long way from the XML-XSLT page construction I used in the last Weather Now UI update back in 2007. (Yes, the UI turns 15 soon—but the app itself turned 22 on November 11th.)
Without going too deeply into the issue, let me sum up. The new version will allow users to log in and customize their experience. But it still needs to work for anonymous users, who will make up probably 95% of the users.
The new site will continue the left-side navigation pane for desktop views. To do that, I built a MasterLayout.razor
page that looks like the demo code in the Blazorise documentation:
<Layout Sider="true">
<Bar Breakpoint="Breakpoint.Desktop" NavigationBreakpoint="Breakpoint.Tablet" ThemeContrast="ThemeContrast.Dark"
Mode="BarMode.VerticalPopout" CollapseMode="BarCollapseMode.Small">
<BarToggler />
<BarLink To="">
<BarIcon IconName="_customIcon" />
Weather Now
<NavMenu />
<LayoutHeader Fixed="true">
<Bar @bind-Visible="@_topbarVisible" Breakpoint="Breakpoint.Desktop" Background="Background.Primary" ThemeContrast="ThemeContrast.Light">
<BarLink To="">
<BarIcon IconName="FontAwesomeIcons.CloudSun" />
Weather Now
<BarMenu Class="justify-content-end">
<Blazorise.Icon Name="FontAwesomeIcons.User" Visibility="Visibility.Visible" />
Hi, @context?.User?.Identity?.Name
<LoginDisplay />
<LayoutContent Padding="Padding.Is4.OnX">
<LayoutFooter Fixed="true" Padding="Padding.Is4.OnX">
Copyright ©@DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Year Inner Drive Technology.
The issue is that when a logged-in user views a page, they see the part within the <LayoutSider>
tag, which includes the navigation menu. When an anonymous user hits the page, they don't see anything in that area.
The culprit turns out to be the <Bar Mode="">
attribute. If that attribute is present with any value at all, the behavior occurs. Without that value, the behavior does not occur.
One more data point: the Program.cs
startup code contains this bit:
builder.Services.AddRazorPages(options =>
That code lets anonymous users see any content in the app that doesn't specifically require being logged in or authorized.
Anyway, I hope someone in the 'verse sees one of these posts and knows what has gone wrong. (If you do, please comment on the Stack Overflow post so we both get reputation points.)