Sunday morning reading (and listening) Sunday, 25 July 2021 10:48:01 CDT David-Braverman Chicago, Entertainment, General, Weather (0) Just a couple of articles that caught my interest this morning: Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann warns us "the signal of climate change has emerged from the noise." The BBC examines the cost of hosting the Olympics, as The Economist wonders whether cities should bother hosting them. New Republic reviews a book by John Tresch about Edgar Allan Poe's—how does one say?—farcical and tragic misunderstanding of science. Eugene Williams finally got a monument yesterday, at Lincoln Cemetery in Blue Island. (You can still hear the Apollo Chorus of Chicago signing Flannery Cunningham and Tanyaradzwa Tawangwa's powerful "Epitaph" for him.) Finally, today is the 65th anniversary of the collision between the Stockholm and the Andrea Doria off the coast of Nantucket in which 1,646 people were saved before the Doria sank.