The Daily Parker

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Can't find app with name "<function-name-here>"

I hope this helps someone else having this problem deploying a .NET function to Azure App Services.

At my day job, we created a new Azure directory and subscription for my group's product. As the product has gotten closer to release, we realized we needed a more complete separation from the company's Azure assets and our group's. So far, so good. I had some annoyances updating our deployment pipelines, but nothing I hadn't expected.

Then I tried to deploy our one function app. I followed the basic script in PowerShell:

Import-Module Az
CD c:\source\solution\project\bin\Debug\net5.0\
func azure functionapp publish function-name-dev

The script failed with: Can't find app with name "function-name-dev"

Undeterred, I modified the script:

Import-Module Az
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant 'guid' -SubscriptionId 'guid'
az account set --subscription 'guid'
CD c:\source\solution\project\bin\Debug\net5.0\
func azure functionapp publish function-name-dev

Same result. Googling and searching through Stack Overflow didn't help either. After a lot of experimentation, I finally got an error message that pointed me down the correct path, but only when I tried to create a new function app in the same subscription:

The following tenants require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Use 'az login --tenant TENANT_ID' to explicitly login to a tenant.

And that was the solution. My new script, which worked fine, now looks like this:

Import-Module Az
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant 'guid' -SubscriptionId 'guid'
az login --tenant 'guid'
az account set --subscription 'guid'
CD c:\source\solution\project\bin\Debug\net5.0\
func azure functionapp publish function-name-dev

I may refine it further as I may have some redundancies in there. But I have now deployed the function app and tested it, much to my satisfaction.

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