Minnesota under siege, day 3... Sunday, 19 April 2020 13:11:36 CDT David-Braverman Entertainment, General, Politics (0) The president continues to ignore the opprobrium leveled against him after his asinine Tweets Friday morning: James Fallows notes how deeply weird and deeply troubling the Tweets were in themselves. Mary McCord says the Tweets were patently illegal, not protected speech under the First Amendment. Thomas Friedman says "Trump is asking us to play Russian roulette with our lives." Evidence has emerged that Trump's Tweets are part of an organized attempt to stoke the base funded by the DeVos family. Kurt Bardella wants you to imagine if President Obama had Tweeted something similar. Jennifer Rubin wants to hold Florida governor Ron Desantis (R) and Texas governor Greg Abbot (R) accountable for any deaths in their states attributable to reopening the economy too soon. In other news: The entire $350 billion SBA relief fund ran out in 30 minutes. And the 4th relief bill is stuck between Republican ideology and Democratic cojones. Paul Krugman explains how Republican "anti-government ideology is crippling pandemic policy." Finally, WBEZ, Chicago's NPR affiliate, has some tips for dating during quarantine.