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No short delay, UK: Juncker

Theresa May has fewer and fewer options available to complete the one job she signed up for today after EU President Jean-Claude Juncker flatly rejected May's request for a second short Brexit delay:

Speaking to the European parliament, Juncker instead set an “ultimate deadline” of 12 April for the Commons to approve the withdrawal agreement.

“If it has not done so by then, no further short extension will be possible,” he said. “After 12 April, we risk jeopardising the European parliament elections, and so threaten the functioning of the European Union.”

Juncker said that at that point the UK would face a no-deal Brexit but that the EU would not “kick out” a member state, in a reference to the certain offer of a lengthy extension of article 50.

The EU27 is looking at an extension until at least the end of the year, with the most probable end date being the end of March 2020.

Juncker said: “Yet I believe that a no deal at midnight on 12 April is now a very likely scenario. It is not the outcome I want. But it is an outcome for which I have made sure the European Union is ready.

No word yet from Number 10 on whether the government would seek a longer extension.

Back in the US, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who went to university in the UK, says the country has gone mad:

The entire Brexit choice was presented to the public in 2016 with utterly misleading simplicity. It was sold with a pack of lies about both the size of the benefits and the ease of implementation, and it continues to be pushed by Conservative hard-liners who used to care about business but are now obsessed with restoring Britain’s “sovereignty” over any economic considerations.

They don’t seem to be listening at all to people like Tom Enders, C.E.O. of the aerospace giant Airbus, which employs more than 14,000 people in the U.K., with around 110,000 more local jobs connected to its supply chains. Enders has warned the political leadership here that if the U.K. just crashes out of the E.U. in the coming weeks, Airbus may be forced to make some “potentially very harmful decisions” about its operations in Britain.

“Please don’t listen to the Brexiteers’ madness which asserts that ‘because we have huge plants here we will not move. …’ They are wrong,” he said. “And, make no mistake, there are plenty of countries out there who would love to build the wings for Airbus aircraft.”

Britain is ruled today by a party that wants to disconnect from a connected world. The notion that the U.K. will suddenly get a great free-trade deal from Trump as soon as it quits the E.U. is ludicrous. Trump believes in competitive nationalism, and the very reason he is promoting the breakup of the E.U. is that he believes America can dominate the E.U.’s individual economies much better than when they negotiate together as the single biggest market in the world.

Madness indeed. The two-week reprieve from a no-deal Brexit has only 9 days left to run. This is terrifying. Since her premiership is over no matter what she does, Theresa May should just cancel Article 50 entirely and then take her seat in the House of Lords.

Comments (4) -

  • David Harper

    4/3/2019 7:31:12 PM +00:00 |

    I doubt very much that Theresa May will be elevated to the House of Lords.  It's become the exception rather than the rule for former Prime Ministers to be ennobled.  The last four incumbents weren't.  Margaret Thatcher is the most recent former Prime Minister to enter the House of Lords.  Her successor John Major actually turned down a peerage, and only accepted a knighthood, as did Edward Heath.

  • The Daily Parker

    4/3/2019 7:36:01 PM +00:00 |

    Whether to Lords or Leeds, as long as she's out of Number 10.

  • David Harper

    4/4/2019 5:32:44 AM +00:00 |

    Be careful what you wish for.  Her successor is likely to be from the arch-Brexiter wing of her party, since the electors in a two-horse race for party leader are the grassroots members of the party, and they are staunchly pro-Brexit.

  • The Daily Parker

    4/4/2019 1:58:05 PM +00:00 |

    Oh, I'm not wishing for anything for the Tories. I'm wishing for a second referendum, this time with honest descriptions of the costs. Or even I'm wishing for Mrs Windsor to intervene, despite how wrenching that would be for the UK Constitution.

    But you're right. PM Rees-Mogg will blunder about for a few weeks before y'all have a new election, and then PM Corbyn will blunder about for the next year or so. I foresee several general elections before 2030.

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