The Daily Parker

Politics, Weather, Photography, and the Dog

Truly impressive customer service...and product

My new Kindle arrived just now, only (let's see) about 30 hours after I ordered it. Amazon pre-registered it, so from opening the box to reading a book I'd previously purchased took less than two minutes. Add five minutes to hook it up to my home WiFi (complete with 26-byte WPA password), two minutes to go to to change the thing's email address, fifteen seconds to buy the next book I want to read, and—I am not kidding—fifteen seconds to download it to the device.

What does that come to? Less than 10 minutes after UPS left, I've got my next book ready to go.

Oh, and: it remembered all the books I've already bought, not counting the ones I'd saved to my local hard drive, so replacing them took just a minute or two longer.

Clearly, Amazon understands the cardinal rule of new technology: If you make it easy, they will buy it.

Update: Add another 30 seconds to find and download the $4.99 Scrabble Kindle edition.

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