It's time for the semi-annual update of the Chicago sunrise chart. (You can get one for your own location at
Date |
Significance |
Sunrise |
Sunset |
Daylight |
2009 |
3 Jan |
Latest sunrise until Oct. 29th |
07:19 |
16:33 |
9:14 |
27 Jan |
5pm sunset |
07:08 |
17:00 |
9:52 |
4 Feb |
7am sunrise |
07:00 |
17:10 |
10:10 |
20 Feb |
5:30pm sunset |
06:39 |
17:30 |
10:51 |
26 Feb |
6:30am sunrise |
06:30 |
17:38 |
11:08 |
7 Mar |
Earliest sunrise until April 12th Earliest sunset until Oct. 25th |
06:16 |
17:49 |
11:32 |
8 Mar |
Daylight savings time begins Latest sunrise until Oct. 25th |
07:14 |
18:50 |
11:35 |
17 Mar |
7am sunrise, 7pm sunset 12-hour day |
06:59 |
19:00 |
12:01 |
20 Mar |
Equinox 06:44 CDT |
06:54 |
19:04 |
12:09 |
3 Apr |
6:30am sunrise (again) |
06:30 |
19:19 |
12:49 |
13 Apr |
7:30pm sunset |
06:13 |
19:30 |
13:16 |
22 Apr |
6am sunrise |
05:59 |
19:40 |
13:40 |
10 May |
8pm sunset |
05:36 |
20:00 |
14:24 |
15 May |
5:30am sunrise |
05:30 |
20:05 |
14:34 |
14 Jun |
Earliest sunrise of the year |
05:15 |
20:28 |
15:13 |
21 Jun |
Solstice 00:45 CDT 8:30pm sunset |
05:16 |
20:30 |
15:14 |
26 Jun |
Latest sunset of the year |
05:17 |
20:31 |
15:13 |
2 Jul |
8:30pm sunset |
05:20 |
20:30 |
15:10 |
16 Jul |
5:30am sunrise |
05:30 |
20:24 |
14:54 |
9 Aug |
8pm sunset |
05:53 |
19:59 |
14:06 |
16 Aug |
6am sunrise |
06:00 |
19:50 |
13:49 |
29 Aug |
7:30pm sunset |
06:14 |
19:29 |
13:16 |
14 Sep |
6:30am sunrise |
06:30 |
19:02 |
12:31 |
15 Sep |
7pm sunset |
06:31 |
19:00 |
12:29 |
22 Sep |
Equinox, 16:18 CDT |
06:38 |
18:48 |
12:09 |
25 Sep |
12-hour day |
06:42 |
18:43 |
12:01 |
3 Oct |
6:30pm sunset |
06:50 |
18:29 |
11:39 |
12 Oct |
7am sunrise |
07:00 |
18:14 |
11:14 |
21 Oct |
6pm sunset |
07:10 |
18:00 |
10:50 |
31 Oct |
Latest sunrise until 1 Nov. 2010 Latest sunset until Mar 6th |
07:23 |
17:46 |
10:24 |
1 Nov |
Standard time returns Earliest sunrise until Mar 3rd |
06:24 |
16:45 |
10:21 |
6 Nov |
6:30am sunrise (again) |
06:30 |
16:39 |
10:08 |
15 Nov |
4:30pm sunset |
06:41 |
16:30 |
9:48 |
2 Dec |
7am sunrise |
07:00 |
16:21 |
9:20 |
8 Dec |
Earliest sunset of the year |
07:06 |
16:20 |
9:14 |
21 Dec |
Solstice, 11:47 CST |
07:15 |
16:23 |
9:08 |
You can get sunrise information for your location at