Diane and her sister made Parker a bed for Xmas. I think he likes it:
Three guesses what he's staring at.
Parker got a chance to explore Oakwood Park today, the first sunny day we've had since we got here a week ago. The park is huge—I would guess about 75 hectares—and Parker (with help) ran around the whole thing:
He also did exceptionally well on come-sit drills, leading me to the conclusion that he knows when I have treats. Of course, so does everyone else, like this beautiful Rhodesian ridgeback who kept sticking her nose into my treat pocket:
Parker is now sleeping, which I hope lasts through the first third of my Decision Models final. And he's tired enough to ignore the cats. Mission: Accomplished!
Even Parker has a level of dignity beneath which he will not sink. This, however, is still above that line:
The bed is just a suggestion, apparently:
Field trip to Noethling Park (a.k.a. Wiggly Field) today, with a ball and a Chuck-It:
Everyone had a blast until Sadie, a beagle, got tired of waiting for Parker to give her his ball. After some snarling and snapping, both humans decided the dogs were done with the park for the day. Here's Parker saying "nyah nyah" to both Sadie and me:
After two hours of classes this morning, both of which reminded me I need to study more, what better way to recover than with another Parker puppy video?
The bed, by the way, lasted about four days. He shredded the thing like a Cuisinart.
You think he's cute now? This is Parker at 12 weeks, just a couple days after I adopted him:
You should see him after I've been gone a week. This is Parker after three days of boarding:
Parker and I had a great two-hour walk this afternoon, punctuated by essays on Botswana and economic institutions (Duke reading). We stopped to admire the view at North Avenue, though I think Parker was more interested in the speedboat than the skyline:
Here's the rest of the view:
The fuzzy dude is 3 years old today. Obligatory baby picture:
That's his Petfinder mugshot from when he was about 8 weeks old. Here he is today:
For his birthday he got extra soft food with breakfast, two Newman's dog treats, and some fresh ground parmesan on his lunchtime kibble. And an extra belly-rub.