Lunchtime reading Wednesday, 13 February 2019 12:53:59 CST David-Braverman Chicago, Entertainment, Geography, Politics, Travel, Weather, Work (0) I had these lined up to read at lunchtime: Bruce Schneier explains how blockchain shifts, but does not eliminate, trust; and Bitcoin isn't useful. A lined article from 2017 goes further and says Bitcoin is an environmental catastrophe. A new interactive project shows how the summers in your city will feel in 2080. (Chicago's then will feel like Kansas City's today.) It turns out, if you're liberal, your brain reacts much differently to repulsive pictures than your conservative friends' brains. I'm ready to go on all of these Scotch distillery tours. The New York Times listed 50 startups that they think will take off soon. And with the Pritzker administration set on legalizing recreational marijuana in Illinois this year, is it any surprise that the largest existing producers want to continue being the largest producers? David Leonhardt draws a distinction between criticizing the Israeli government (acceptable) and anti-Semitism (not). Meanwhile, for only the second time in four weeks, we can see sun outside the office windows: