Friday afternoon link round-up Friday, 14 July 2017 13:13:40 CDT David-Braverman Chicago, General, Parker, Politics, Work (0) While I'm trying to figure out how to transfer one database to another, I'm putting these aside for later reading: Chicago Magazine thinks global warming could be worse for Illinois than previously thought. (But we're still going to do better than Florida.) Citylab reviews Sarah Williams Goldhagen's new book on the science behind appreciating architecture. Conservative (!) columnist Jennifer Rubin believes her party can no longer defend our national interests or our Constitution. Krugman once again points out the cruelty and fraudulence of the Obamacare repeal bill. New York Times business columnist James Stewart lays out the problems Ayn Rand-inspired managers are having. (He doesn't mention my business-world bête noir, however. My real bête noir is also not mentioned.) And James Fallows realizes he has to jump into the fight once more, now that he's back in DC after a six-month absence. Back to database analysis and design...