Lynx Friday, 19 August 2016 09:01:22 CDT David-Braverman Chicago, Politics, Weather (0) Day two of Certified Scrum Master training starts in just a few minutes (more on that later), so I've queued up a bunch of articles to read this weekend: The climate prediction center forecasts a warm, dry fall for Illinois followed by a normal winter. Reactions to Trump dumping Russian stooge Paul Manfort in favor of right-wing nutjob Steve Bannon are pretty consistent: here's Fallows and Bloomberg, for starters, plus analysis from the Times and Marshall on how Trump's support is declining even among his key demographic group, angry old white men. Trump got his first intelligence briefing and concluded that he doesn't trust intelligence. We knew that already, but this is more pointed. Economist Joseph Stiglitz thinks the Euro is a failure. Krugman got there years ago. Asra Taylor, writing in New Republic, worries about the loss of the democratic urge. So do I. Pacific Standard has a new look at the Prisoner's Dilemma. A new AI is detecting depression on Instagram feeds. Training begins again...