Too-busy-to-write link roundup Friday, 17 January 2014 14:11:32 CST David-Braverman Geography, Politics, Weather (0) In two and a half weeks, I'll be on a beach doing nothing of value to anyone but myself. Meanwhile, here are all the things I won't have time to read until someday in the future: The NOAA Climate Prediction Center has forecast essentially normal temperatures for the Midwest during February, March, and April. This is the same organization that predicted normal temperatures for January, so, you know. In Chicago, when there is snow, there are dibs. The practice has become more objectionable than ever to people who presumably like the idea of shared public space. Europe has much better credit-card security than is generally available in the U.S. My bank issued me a European, chipped card—but only on request. A McDonald's restaurant in Queens has a chronic geriatric infestation. Here's a cool chart showing U.S. city population rankings since 1790. Detroit's line is particularly interesting. Rush Limbaugh lives in an epistemical bubble (but we all knew that). Does Alcoholics Anonymous block real treatment of alcoholism? Birds fly in V formations because they are spectacularly good at physics. Now my long day continues...