The Daily Parker

Politics, Weather, Photography, and the Dog

Today's Daily Parker

It's amazing how long the hand puppet has survived, despite Parker's best efforts:

Yes, it's still around, but completely emptied of Hollofil and turned inside-out. This has the interesting side-effect of exposing the squeaky part. Maybe "interesting" isn't the right word, as I didn't feel "interested" in it after Parker spent ten minutes wandering the apartment chomping on it (squeak squeak squeak).

Parker still has some anxiety about the new place, which manifests in an inability to be alone for more than two minutes. Last night he didn't even go into the kitchen without company, for example. So he spent a lot of time barking and whining until I either paid attention to him or followed him into whatever room he wanted to be in at that moment. I still can't decipher the "I'm thirsty" warble from the "I want to go outside" song, but I'm getting better.

At least he's sleeping through the night consistently.

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