This is not how he's acting right now. (Excuse me while I extract teeth from my arm.)
Also, my previous post reflects a certain "duh!" factor, since I actually had off-loaded this photo already. So, duh. He's still adorable.
Here's the deal: I forgot to download the photos for today's DP from my camera. I won't get to do it before midnight UTC (6 pm Central Time). So this isn't really a TDP. It's just an explanation of why there's no DP today.
On the other hand, I didn't figure to have a TDP tomorrow. So tomorrow's DP will be today's. Follow?
In other shocking news, Britney Spears filed for divorce today. Speaking of silly puppies.
Post-bath nap on Saturday. He has trained us to rub his belly whenever he does this; can't think how.
There will probably be no Daily Parker on Wednesday, so I'm hedging. Anne took this photo today after Parker had a bath and a good nap:
We love our puppy, but after a couple of weeks without shampoo he gets pretty rank. Now he's soft and, well, only a little rank. We still love him though.
It's cold this morning (-6°C, 21°F), but not cold enough to keep Parker from running himself ragged at the dog park. I love this, because today is an Office Puppy day. As is our custom, we left from the park, stopped at my office to pick up my coffee mug, and then made our ritual pilgimage to Peet's. There Parker and I met Georgiana Penelope ("my husband called me Georgiana but my family called me Penny"), a local resident, who said Parker had beautiful markings and was the sweetest puppy she'd met. Parker ate it up and fell in love with her. Actually, Parker ate up the banana muffin she gave him, which contributed to his good behavior.
When I came out, Georgiana had Parker's complete attention:
It's amazing what dogs will eat. Parker (whose food ration just got increased today) consumes just about anything vaguely food-like, including sticks (high in fiber), rugs (made of fiber), and, apparently, yogurt:
Yesterday he also got an onion off the counter and started peeling it before I could get to him.
He won't eat figs, however. He barks at them. We don't know why.
As my major infrastructure project continues apace, Parker is keeping me company. I know I've posted lots of photos of him sleeping in my office, but I'm so happy about it, and he's so adorable, why not post another?
He occasionally rouses himself, too:
This is a marked improvement over yesterday when he attacked every cloth item in the place.
Another photo of Parker at one of his favorite places in the world. We stopped by the dog park Saturday afternoon, but we arrived after everyone else had left. He may have missed his buddies, but he also seemed to have a good time:
Parker and Jackson got a good workout yesterday:

They played for about three hours, half in the morning and half in the afternoon. Right now he's asleep on my office floor. What a great puppy.