Anne and I are someplace warm (see second photo), but Parker is never far from our thoughts. Here he is New Year's Eve in what we must assume is doggy heaven:
At the moment, we are in people heaven, so I can't guarantee any more postings until Saturday. I hope everyone else is, if not as warm as we are (25°C, 77°F on the beach), at least as happy.
I'm an hour late getting in TDP, for which I'm sorry. Today was the last business day of 2006, and possibly Parker's last day in the office for a while (I'll be working downtown starting next month). Fittingly, here's Parker, doing what he does best: being a good office puppy.
The ParkerCam will return!
(Possibly tomorrow...)
The couch is dead. We're going to take it to the street tonight or tomorrow, because Parker has quite literally beaten the stuffing out of it. He even knows he's being bad, running away from it the moment I take a step toward him. But just seconds after I turn away, there he is again, performing dog-o-suction on the cushions:
I'm going to bet that no one takes it before the trash haulers find it. I might even bet that they will leave it behind, too.
Parker made it all the way to St. Louis and back without yakking. How did he do it? He slept the whole way:
Parker is back in the office!
We had quite a full weekend. We drove down to see the in-laws in St. Louis, and for the first time on a drive of any length, Parker didn't puke. If you've never dealt with a car-sick puppy before, you can't fathom how important this is. Trust me.
While in St. Louis, Parker met my brother-in-law's dog, Biscuit. She's 18 months old (to Parker's 6), and about the same size (18 kg, 40 lbs). Plus, she's cute. I think Parker's smitten. They played for the entire weekend, and only had one minor scrap over property rights when Biscuit tried to walk off with the bully stick Parker was gnawing.

Even when he's not being bad, he still looks guilty:
Probably no Daily Parker until Tuesday. Have a wonderful holiday, and don't eat the sofa. (I mean you, Mr. "Who Me?".)
Parker, being an angel at Inner Drive Technology World Headquarters, with one of his favorite things in the world: a bully stick.
If only he knew what they really were. I only found out just now as I researched this post. Ew.
I know, I've been a little delinquent with TDP posts. And today I'm actually phoning it in.
First, Danielle's question, "Where is Parker?" As far as I know, Parker is at home asleep on our bed. The ParkerCam shows nothing but a chewie because that's the last image from when he was here yesterday. Despite the caption, he's not in the office today, so there isn't a new ParkerCam image. Check back tomorrow morning.
Second, the couch destruction continues apace. Here is our dear looking innocent:
And not so innocent:
It's actually painful to watch him disembowel the sofa. Nothing, not even "no-chew" liquid nor yelling at him, seems to help.
I have to take more photos of Parker when he's not asleep. Today, however, you get another sleeping puppy shot:
No ParkerCam today, because of a lunch meeting. He's at home waiting for the dog walker to stop by.