I apologize for the TDP hiatus, but we had a lot going on over the past week, not least of which was moving. Even though the new place is within 1500 m (0.9 mi) of the old place, Parker has still exhibited a lot of anxiety: whining, pawing, going from peacefully gnawing on a bully stick to running and barking. At least he didn't mark his territory.
When moving with a dog, it's important to make sure he has toys and other familiar items around. Parker has a towel, which he has tailored into a flattering garment:
Once we get settled in I'll resume daily Parker photos. Bear with me for a couple of weeks.
When I took this photo, Parker weighed just over 10 kg (22 lbs):
He's grown since then, about another 10 kg worth, until last week. Apparently he's leveled off at 21 kg (46 lbs), which makes him a perfectly normal German Rat Beagle:
I thought he would get to 22.5 kg (50 lbs), but maybe not. Regardless, he's just the right size.
My caption: "October 23. Parker helps with the laundry."
I can only imagine his caption, but I'd bet it would mention a huge pile of chew-toys.
Imagine the consequences of having a black puppy on a white duvet. Then again, why imagine?
I don't always understand Parker, but here, I believe he's saying "Victory!"
Requiescat in pacem, Sofa (1998-2007):
Everything, no matter how inert, must be sniffed. Like this rock, for example:
As requested, here is a full-face beauty shot, from late September:
I don't know if this qualifies as a "full-face beauty shot," but it's the best I could do on short notice:
Here's a Daily Parker classic that should suffice if the ParkerCam image doesn't:
I mean, come on, is he not the cutest dog?
...And as a special bonus, here's a look at spiders on drugs, via a long-time blog reader: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1734043.
We got back from Miami late Friday. Parker, happy to have us home, wanted to keep us as close as possible Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday, for example, he kept close to Anne even while Anne was off doing other things:
Also, my project start got pushed to either Thursday or next Monday (I'll find out later today). That means Parker came to the office with me this morning, and will probably come back again on Wednesday. He loves coming to the office. Of course, he seems to love just about everything in life, which I think is an attitude worth emulating.