OK, here we go with the SOTU. Last time (2020) I needed two martinis and watched with the sound off. This time, I see no need for alcohol and I'm happy to listen. What changed, I wonder?
Ukrainian ambassador gets an extended standing ovation from the entire government of the United States. She might prefer fighter jets and ammunition, but it was a nice gesture
We're putting troops along the Russian border...whoo boy
Yes! End "trickle-down" policies which only concentrate wealth at the top
Infrastructure decade. Yes.
It's so nice to hear a coherent, positive speech from a man who cares about the job he has
I was already a little concerned about the "make it in America" rhetoric, and then cue the GOP chanting "USA, USA!"
Dignity! Yes, this is where Biden excels. Nice.
The wise grandfather is such a welcome contrast to the ugly uncle
I did not predict a chief prosecutor for pandemic fraud. Very good.
"The only president ever to cut the deficit by $1 trillion in one year." Partially disingenuous, but still true
Anti-virals on the spot at no cost if you test positive at a pharmacy. Wow
Bipartisan standing O on "our kids need to be in school."
"Let's see each other as...fellow Americans." Most of the GOP clapped too. Good.
Strong statement against "defund the police." And yes! Repeal the liability shield protecting guns!
Awww. Justice Breyer looks so cute
Wow, Katanji Brown to "strong borders" in one sentence? Grandpa missed a paragraph break
Did the speechwriters run out of time? It seems like we're in the "and another thing" section. The recap in sonata-allegro form, I suppose
Wow, connecting military burn pits to his son's cancer
ARPAH [Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health]. We can do this.
The state of the Union is strong because you, the American people, are strong.
Of course the outburst was from Boebert.
Wow, what a contrast from last time. No martinis required, but I believe I will have a wee Lagavulin.
Meanwhile, Cassie has graduated to loud snoring: